Oops! There we go trying to be good again.
It slip in so easily and runs by so quickly - the language of 'being good.' Take this statement.
“We are called to make statements about such things after we eliminate hypocrisy in these areas of our own lives. We, as Christians, are called to (1) live righteously, and (2) speak out about unrighteousness.”
Some things we say sound so good and right, but, when seen in light of the essential wisdom of Jesus, are quite wrong and off base.
Requiring yourself or others to change our own lives effectively eliminates the essential wisdom of Jesus. Jesus and Paul know that we cannot be good.
Essentially no man is good. Essentially no man (Christians included) can make themselves good.
The 'small' and easily ignored language of being good without Christ is a subtle sin and theological error that can destroy the church.
We can bask in God’s love and let his warm loving heart melt ours and let his Holy Spirit unite with ours and let his truth replace carnal beliefs in our hearts.
Essentially it is Christ in us that is our hope of glory and nothing but Christ in us will do.
Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees!
George Hartwell M.Sc. Christian counsellor provides Christian counselling ( counseling / therapy ) through 90 minute in person sessions at his office in Mississauga. As a professional Christian Marriage counsellor George provides Christian marriage counselling counseling for couples in Oakville, Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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