What is a curse?
What is a curse? A curse is negative energy. The opposite, a blessing, is positive energy.
Our essential being is spiritual. God's breath gave us life. God's Spirit sustains us, because we are spirit.
Therefore what we don't see with our physical eyes, or feel with our hands or hear with our ears can and does touch us. Good or evil is done to our spirit by spiritual forces. Curses and blessings have spiritual force.
That is why Jesus says that our hatred is like murder. Hatred has deadly force in the spirit. Hatred does murder to our human spirit. Hatred is a form of evil with energy equivalent to that of a curse. To be practical hatred is a form of cursing. We need to protect ourselves in Jesus name from curses in the form of hatred coming from those who hate us.
Spoken curses come in a variety of forms. You see how answering: "What is a curse?" is not always simple. Maybe at the end we can come up with something.
I have come to understand that abuse is any form of not seeing, welcoming and acknowledging the real you. When the family plays with a label for you, even benign of 'good' ones, the result is not seeing the real you. So one form of verbal curse is identity labels that miss the essential magnificent you. Your family labels you the "baby" and never acts as if you had any credibility or capability. That is a powerful curse! Christian prayer therapy of some depth and duration may be needed to undo a lifetime of reinforcement of this type of identity casting family label.
A medical diagnosis can become a person's identity label. An example is the repeated statement "I am bipolar." or "I am Schizophrenic." The truth is you are who you are. You are a child of God. You were created by God in love and redeemed by God with love.
We tend to believe the doctor when he gives his diagnosis and prognosis. He doesn't say "God willing" or "unless there is a miracle" when he says you have cancer and it is likely that you will die in six months. But God is sovereign over my life. God gives and God takes away. I put a doctor's diagnosis and prognosis under the mighty hand of God who calls into being that which is not. So as common a thing as a medical diagnosis can be a curse.
So far we have seen this:
- A curse is a form of negative energy.
- Hatred is a form of curse.
- Identity casting family labels act as curses.
- A medical diagnosis taken as one's identity is a curse.
- A medical diagnosis and prognosis can act as a verbal curse.
Labels: Christian prayer therapy, identity casting family label, what is a curse
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