Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Parenting Breakthrough by Dr. Nelson

Dr. Nelson writes "The one Minute Scolding" - a breakthrough in parenting.

This book is good because it outlines a revolution in successful parenting. Dr. Nelson really thought this through and solved the problem.

What is the problem he solved? How to discipline effectively while strengthening the bond of child to parent.

Any method of isolation for discipline is a form of distancing. Dr. Nelson wanted a form of discipline that brough parent and child closer.

Too many parenting courses expect parenting to be done in an unemotional manner. Dr. Nelson effectively incorporates the parent's emotion, in fact, uses emotion to make discipline more effective.

Emotional discipline can result in a negative self-image in the child. Dr. Nelson is very clear as to how to avoid this.

I nominate Dr. Nelson for the Nobel Peace Prize in the science of parenting.

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