Thursday, July 15, 2004

Inner Healing Worship

Man's ultimate purpose, destiny and pleasure is to be in God's presence, in the throne room and to worship God. Our inner man, core person, our human spirit experiences this ultimate high by inner worship. My greatest reward as a guide in the process of inner healing is to be there when the inner person (inner child or spirit) of another experiences this breakthrough into inner worship in the presence of God.
I have recently had this experience: at a recent HealMyLife Seminar Tor-fre (name withheld for confidentiality reasons) experienced this ultimate life shaking and life shaping experience.
Also, in working with Swi-Syl (name withheld) her inner child - it was the six year old - was lead in a healing vision the ended up with a beautiful throne room experience. She was touched on the shoulder with a sword by Jesus on the throne - compare to being made a knight. He declared that her guilt was forgiven - compare to Isaiah 6. She found herself laying on the ground in front of the throne and touching Jesus feet. If you know Hebrew you will recognize the posture of worship.
Nothing can bring greater satisfaction to the heart of God and peace to the heart of man than to worship in gratitude for who God is and what He has done, except, perhaps, to guide the heart, spirit and inner child of another into the throne room experience.
To pursue this meditate and try the Prayer Format described on called peace with heaven.
May you seek and find real peace,
peace with and communion with God,
George <>


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