Sunday, July 24, 2011

Couple Therapy Mississauga

From my office in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, I provide couple therapy with a key focus on bonding.

A focus on bonding in couple therapy is supported by the research by John Bowlby and the many others that have taken his original work further.  John Bowlby had the courage of his convictions to ground therapy issues of children in the relationships in the family.  This stance was unpopular among Freudian analysts at the time.  Everything, they believed was in the child's fantasy life.  Bolby was able to show that any lengthy abandonment of a child in the early years had significant impact on later character and personality.

Bowlby fought to establish that the bonding between mother and child on a continuous basis was an absolute essential to a child's mental health. Professionals resisted the implications of this assertion even when it was backed by research and observations from several independent researchers.

It is now being asserted that the bonding of a couple is absolutely essential for the health of the marriage and the couple.  This realization is new.  Few couple therapists assert it.  I take it as proven and build my couple therapy work in Mississauga on this foundation.

Most couples are happy with the focus on their bonding and attachment.  Intuitively they know that this is the right focus for them.



At 9:39 AM , Blogger Lisa said...

It's spelled Bowlby--bonding. I know this cause I am studying like mad for my licensing exams...I graduated with an MA in professional counseling. I consider you my internet mentor in listening prayer, I have read your whole website. Thanks for sharing your life's work with a beginning counselor. Blessings as you work with couples.....

At 11:02 PM , Blogger George C. Hartwell said...

Thanks, Lisa. John Bowlby is so important because bonding - the love connection between child and parents provides the love that allows a child to grow 'strong in spirit.'

IF our spirit grows strong then our emotional core is mature and we can have mature relationships based on empathy.

God bless you in your studies and your career and feel free to send questions my way on either.

At 3:58 AM , Blogger Mike said...

Thanks for giving such kind of great information.
Family Counselling Mississauga

At 2:27 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

It is quit pretty article about couples therapist los angeles. Beside this it is also a long lasting article. Thanks for giving me such type of useful information..


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