Pray for your life
Dr. Who often says 'run for your life!'
I would like people equipped to Pray for their life. Seriously.
Some situations can only handled well by those trained in prayer.
This means training in:
- How to implement Safe Spiritual Warfare,
- How to set up the Jesus-in-between Shield from Curses,
- How to cut soul ties and shut down openings another has to one's soul,
- Being able to direct the authority of God's voice - the present active voice of God - against abusive core beliefs.
These needs are both immediate and long-term. If you and your family do not know how to handle these situations then the enemy of our souls and his very human agents will undermine, attack and eventually destroy you and your family. This is the one who Jesus said is out to rob, kill and destroy.
The problem with getting that equipping is that those who claim to teach on these topics often are used as agents of the devils and convey the teaching of demons in order to destroy the Body of Christ. For example, what you will be taught on spiritual warfare will give Satan the victory on a silver platter. When you listen to these teachers you will open the gates to your city and invite his forces to attack you. They will and do attack.
The enemies within the camp are on two wings. On one extreme are those who attack God's servants in a broad attack against everything they don't understand and cannot reconcile with scripture. These have been the witch hunters who launch and publish books against inner healing, deliverance and other works of the Holy Spirit.
However, I am also concerned with those who embrace inner healing, deliverance and spiritual warfare but implement these in such a way as to completely undermine their best intentions and cause more harm than good. In some there are many good things being taught and one error undermines the good.
I would like to talk about this error. It is an error of pride that suckers us out of the position of humility. In the position of humility, wearing the 'Cloak of Humility,' we are in a position of protection. Suckered by Pride we will become over engaged with demons and evil powers and it is that over-engagement that empowers them over us.
I will get into the details in another blog post. For now, keep your eyes on the Lord and do not get too focused on battling the enemy. Look for my articles on binding principalities and powers on either or