Thursday, March 06, 2008

Unveiling the Bride

Terry Somerville understands.

He knows where the annointing is and that it is a love annointing.
He knows that any "revival" will be Jesus building His church not 'the church we see today.'

In his latest newsletter - I commend him fully - says that you and I are the Bride of Christ but there is a problem - the Bride is separated from the groom by a veil of her own making. :-( sad.

Total Change Ministries @

The institution that calls iself the church - but is not - talks about being saved by grace but in reality we have "veiled ourself in religious obligation in our life with God."
(Imagine a romantic relationship where love is the talk but actions and decisions are always based on rules and obligation.)

Terry says that: " God is revealing His love, unveiling His bride, and taking us with Him into His Kingdom. Hallelujah!"

Terry notes that today human success seems to be the standard by which everything Christian is measured. Wealth, fame, influence, size of congregations, and many other things have become standards of Christian living. Without realizing it, the bride of Christ has turned to please the eyes of men, and all of us have worked to accomplish it. But the unveiled bride will only have eyes for Him! See Being a People Pleaser (and losing out on love) - my experience.

From my experience I know that being nice, being a good boy, avoiding conflict, and trying to please people is a roadmap to disaster in a close relationship. My first marriage - when I was heavy into my People pleaser persona - was a disaster.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
(Colossians 3:1)

Join me in longing for the brokeness and humility of heart that receives God's love. Ah, here is the flow of the Spirit - when my heart is broken open; when my emotions (heart) is near the surface; when tears flow easily.

Be free, Bride, of trying to be a 'good wife.' Be free to be yourself. Dance in the Joy of the Bridegrooms (unconditional) love. He delights in you - the authentic you.

That is authentic salvation, wholeness, holiness. Not my trying to be good. (No man is good.) Being myself - authentic and real - so that I can love and be loved. Then building one another up in love and Christ growing in us, the kingdom of God will manifest around us.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Christian therapeutic retreat

The prime purpose of a Christian therapeutic retreat is to target, with God's help, the most significant problem areas. Then through a healing encounter with God achieve emotional healing and life transformation.

Personal Christian retreats allow individuals to identify, understand and get healing for fundamental issues - issues rooted in early childhood. This is not to blame parents but to understand one's history and the beliefs and feelings rooted in one's history.

An experienced Christian Therapist is skilled a pattern recognition. At a Christian therapy retreat expert pattern recognition saves time and allows issues to be identified quickly. So more gets done in less time. Sessions are interesting and relevant.

With God's help a Christian therapeutic retreat can be a a time of discovery of new patterns and new methods of bringing inner and emotional healing to individuals.

I bring a variety of modalities of therpeutic perspectives to an
emotional healing retreat. I have read extensively and received training from masters in Reality Therapy, Transactional Analysis, and Psychodrama. These different approaches provide perpectives that are sometimes helpful.

During Christian Retreats for Depression I make use of the insights of John and Paula Sandford regarding the Human Spirit. Depression can be modelled as interference in the flow of life into the human spirit.

During a retreat I aim to bring about healing encounters with God especially so old patterns of personality can die and one's new identity in Christ be recognized and strengthened.
